It has been about 15 years since I have officially started dating – otherwise known as hanging out or being single and ready to mingle.

Although my girlfriends and I grumble about the pure agony of dating, I must say that we mostly have more laughs than frowns. It is certainly something that I think every young person should get to experience for themselves prior to settling down with that one special person, if for nothing more than for the sheer hilariousness of it all. That’s why I started this blog.

Here I want people to be able to talk about their "single experience"... the good, the bad and the ugly! I know we will share a few gasps, some chuckles, some boos and cheers but most of all I hope we can uplift each other through this process and just have some plain old fun with it. Anyone can share their two cents, if you're single, married 30 years or are a newlywed.

If you are interested in being a regular contributor on the blog, contact me at and I will be glad to add you. Keep in mind, that this isn’t used to insult or hurt anyone, so please by all means use alternate names to protect the innocent! HA

Check out the First Post, "Just Like That...." to understand how I came up with this name!

Happy Posting!


Friday, May 13, 2011

Kitchen Table Topic ~ 05/12/2011 ~ When you start dating someone, do you GOOGLE them? Where is the line drawn between being informed and being nosey?


Here are some of the responses from yesterdays post on Facebook!

That's being wise

My friend also checks the court system to see if they have a record.

I've never googled anyone, I would just ask. I think googling and checking facts behind one's back shows a somewhat lack of trust. I asked you, and what you tell me should be enough. I still believe in the do unto others rules. I would feel some sort of way doing it to him, so I won't do it. Sorry I meant some sort of way if he did it to me.

Yes. I wouldn't trust anyone when I first met them. They haven't earned it, and I would hope they wouldn't trust me either. That's naive.

If I just met someone I would ask the beginning questions and yes, I would use my resources to find out information. Why not? If you have mutual friends you wouldn't ask them what they know about the person? Isn't that the same thing? Just call me and Google best buds if it makes one feel better

Nothing wrong with finding out the truth cause usually people aren't 100% in the beginning... So yes goggle them it don't hurt.. Lmfao!!!

speaking from experience, I respect the whole trust thing, but always know, when someone wants you bad enough, THEY WILL LIE!! By the time you wait to discover the truth, your emotions are all tied up into the relationship. County websites as well informative websites, such as..., are in place to keep you informed. It is public records and available to anyone. I will do everything in my power, and utilize all available resources, to protect myself. I pray all men and women, do their research. It will save a lot of pain and heartache, not to mention lives. Many people were raped, murdered, etc., simply by not knowing the true background of a mate they "TRUSTED".

Yes I check google,zabasearch,dept of doc, people crazy and I need to make sure I don't have a nut job in my life
heck yeah!!!!! 

That is not being nosey that is being in the know!!!!lol

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