It has been about 15 years since I have officially started dating – otherwise known as hanging out or being single and ready to mingle.

Although my girlfriends and I grumble about the pure agony of dating, I must say that we mostly have more laughs than frowns. It is certainly something that I think every young person should get to experience for themselves prior to settling down with that one special person, if for nothing more than for the sheer hilariousness of it all. That’s why I started this blog.

Here I want people to be able to talk about their "single experience"... the good, the bad and the ugly! I know we will share a few gasps, some chuckles, some boos and cheers but most of all I hope we can uplift each other through this process and just have some plain old fun with it. Anyone can share their two cents, if you're single, married 30 years or are a newlywed.

If you are interested in being a regular contributor on the blog, contact me at and I will be glad to add you. Keep in mind, that this isn’t used to insult or hurt anyone, so please by all means use alternate names to protect the innocent! HA

Check out the First Post, "Just Like That...." to understand how I came up with this name!

Happy Posting!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I guess He's a 7!

I get a phone call from my mom and her first words are, " I have a date for you!" Hearing this catches me completely off guard because in all my adult life, my mother has never tried to set me up. So I take the bait...Tell me about him , "well he is a really nice guy, he has a lot of money, he was married but is now divorced, he is in him 40's (mind you I am 32) and he doesn't have any kids." My first reaction was 40's, like more then 40???? I think for a second and then I say well if you think this would be a good match then I guess I'll go out with him. As quickly as I say ok she drops the 1st bomb, "well there is just one thing...he is kind of heavy" (Kind of heavy?), "well his stomach is kind of high". Oh boy I think, but again I say ,mom I am trusting you, if you think this is a good match I'll go on a date, a girl has to eat. Just then I ask, where does he live? This is when she drops the 2nd bomb, "he lives between his mother and grandmother" like in a house with his mother and grandmother on either side??? "No he goes back and forth between his mother's house and grandmother's house because he is taking care of them." OH BOY....well at least he has a job! I guess on a scale of 1-10 he's a 7... just like that! I'll keep you posted!


  1. now this is funny...kinda heavy leaving with his mom and grandma..but has a good his 40s is that late 40s like bengay 40 or swagger his belly sitting high Im leaning towards bengay 40s..

  2. LOL I hope he has time for you if he back in forth between houses....I cant wait to hear what happens next

  3. Too funny! My two cents....never judge a book by it's cover because you never know. We've all dated men that was packaged perfectly, near perfect, and turn out to be so not that! Then there are the cases where you give them the tilted head look initially...and they turn out to be really good guys. In the end, you never know until you try (all within your standards-limits)....GOOD luck and maybe the first date should be to somewhere incognito...just to be on the safe side. Hehehehe

  4. Well the # exchange happened yesterday. I am happy to report that my mother got clarity about his age and he is JUST 40!!!! So Von I'll say that is swagger 40 and not bengay 40, LOL. I am keeping an open eye on this one. I have realized that "My Type" has lead me down the wrong path in the past. I will be sure to keep you all posted on the 1st date.

  5. We have to stay open! We never know!

  6. I'm really laughing aloud at this one!!!!! :)
