It has been about 15 years since I have officially started dating – otherwise known as hanging out or being single and ready to mingle.
Although my girlfriends and I grumble about the pure agony of dating, I must say that we mostly have more laughs than frowns. It is certainly something that I think every young person should get to experience for themselves prior to settling down with that one special person, if for nothing more than for the sheer hilariousness of it all. That’s why I started this blog.
Here I want people to be able to talk about their "single experience"... the good, the bad and the ugly! I know we will share a few gasps, some chuckles, some boos and cheers but most of all I hope we can uplift each other through this process and just have some plain old fun with it. Anyone can share their two cents, if you're single, married 30 years or are a newlywed.
If you are interested in being a regular contributor on the blog, contact me at and I will be glad to add you. Keep in mind, that this isn’t used to insult or hurt anyone, so please by all means use alternate names to protect the innocent! HA
Check out the First Post, "Just Like That...." to understand how I came up with this name!
Happy Posting!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Chauvinistic Freak?
I had met this guy 9 yrs my senior (I’m 33 and he’s 42- divorced no kids) a couple of wks ago and we’ve been talking but hadn’t gone out yet due to conflicts in our schedule. He seemed like a cool guy and a working professional such as myself. There were a 1-2 quirks that I wasn’t feeling at the beginning but I let them roll off my back since I haven’t really officially gone out with him yet. 1) he made a sexual innuendo/joke which I ignored but I let him know that I don’t partake in those conversations when I just meet someone. That’s not the foundation I am trying to set. 2) He did ask me to send him a pic via txt. 2strikes but no I said let me lighten up and still give this guy a chance especially if it happened once. If it happened consistently than it’d be a done deal.
Fast forward. We agreed to meet up in nyc. He recently relocated to the philly area a few mths ago and I live in central jersey. Anyway he calls me on Friday night to finalize plans and we get to talking about our day. We get to talking about something which I cannot remember right now but I had a friendly difference of opinion about it. He goes and asks out of the blue “why do you think you are single?” and that I need to “lighten up” Ok, 1) we were on a different topic than being single and 2) we had already had this conversation when we first met….so clearly he was being sarcastic and asking me a rhetorical question. So I proceeded to ask him to explain himself, why he thinks I need to lighten up on a few things. I admit that I can be a bit high strung at times but it has certainly diminished the last several yrs. He asks me why certain things push my buttons. Well I said it depends on what it is. If I feel strongly about certain things then I will defend them and he should respect that. Just like I would respect him, his personality, his opinion. I wouldn’t ask him why he thinks the way he does in a degrading tone. So anyway that must have been too much convo for him because he goes and says “maybe I’m a little moody because I’m hungry so I can’t have this conversation to eat. I am going to get something to eat and call you back. “ WHO SAYS that?
So we get off the phone annoyed with each other and I get a text from him saying that he doesn’t think we are compatible and that we probably shouldn’t go out. So I said I agree, Then I got to thinking and wanted to explain exactly why he thought we weren’t compatible in his own words. I thought “is it really me??? did I offend dude in some way? I need to know if I am giving the wrong vibe as well. WELL, I am glad I asked because he cleared it up real quick for me and I knew I wasn’t the one with the problem. This jerk says “a man likes a woman to be his best friend, not someone that always appear to be more intellectual or the smartest person in the room…indeed you are a career woman and I am sure you always have your A-game at work, which is fine because we do have to try much harder than white folks, but you should leave that at the door when you come home….” WTH????????????. Just like that?!!!! He had the audacity to say that? I was sooo shocked. So his insecure behind thought I was acting smarter than him? Why- because I disagreed with what he said? I was never rude about it either. Honestly I don’t think a guy has ever told me that before.
For the most part, our conversations were cool and he had a good sense of humor as well but I guess it was a different story when it was something that required thought and possible disagreement with his dumb self? Gee, you would think that I quoted philosophers when we spoke or was acting pompous but I’m far from that….So I tell him my response and here comes the finale: “there’s my point and you validated it again…you can have the last word….it doesn’t matter to me and then you don’t send out any pics, which is a turn off…call me a freak or whatever but I like to see my woman and often, particularly if she resides in another state…” WHAAAAT? Dude, I DON’T KNOW YOU FROM JACK to be sending pic texts….I AM NOT YOUR WOMAN either…I could have gone on and on but didn’t….the many words and tongue lashings that I wanted to give this dude but I didn’t waste my time and energy with his ignorant behind. I cannot believe he brought up my strike #2 above (picture txt)..LOL. He was acting so juvenile to be a supposed grown man. Evidently I AM smarter and I am not going to dummy myself down. Chauvinistic Insecure Freak! I am just glad that I didn’t go away thinking that it was me- NOT!....What an IDIOT!
You know its amazing to me how many so-called "Men" are threatened by positive characteristics in the women with whom they choose to associate. It starts with the "she's too smart", "she makes more money then me", and continues with she has more infinitum. It always shows more about the character of the man then anything it shows in the woman. Being a Man has nothing to do with anything beyond your character and will. Things external to that are brought to you because of those two traits. Part of being an adult is realizing that you are not always the smartest, fastest, best-looking etc. You should however always strive to improve, therefore you should associate with those who can help you "raise your game". A woman with positive traits and or abilities (even if she better than him at some things)to a MAN would only help him achieve the life God intended him to have.--My two cents