It has been about 15 years since I have officially started dating – otherwise known as hanging out or being single and ready to mingle.

Although my girlfriends and I grumble about the pure agony of dating, I must say that we mostly have more laughs than frowns. It is certainly something that I think every young person should get to experience for themselves prior to settling down with that one special person, if for nothing more than for the sheer hilariousness of it all. That’s why I started this blog.

Here I want people to be able to talk about their "single experience"... the good, the bad and the ugly! I know we will share a few gasps, some chuckles, some boos and cheers but most of all I hope we can uplift each other through this process and just have some plain old fun with it. Anyone can share their two cents, if you're single, married 30 years or are a newlywed.

If you are interested in being a regular contributor on the blog, contact me at and I will be glad to add you. Keep in mind, that this isn’t used to insult or hurt anyone, so please by all means use alternate names to protect the innocent! HA

Check out the First Post, "Just Like That...." to understand how I came up with this name!

Happy Posting!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Incredible Craps

I met this man while out with friends, he seemed to be the "life of the party" type. The guy who kind of knows a lot of people and really knows how to enjoy himself. He made me laugh a few times while on the dance floor, so he seemed cool. After the night was over, he came over to me and had a funny conversation while asking me for my number. I gave it to him and instantly from that day on we were seeing each other as much as possible. Going different places and enjoying long talks, and great laughs. He seemed like a very good guy and even a nice prospect. So after a few months, we decided to go to Atlantic City together. I was excited, because I was going on a fun trip with a guy I liked. A nice time was sure to be had. I have never been big on gambling. I mean, I will take ten whole dollars and be highly upset if the slot machine doesn't return it to me. But, we had a plan to go and work as a team and just have a great time. There are also many other things to do while in Atlantic City, so I figured I would fine. We set our plan on the ride, we would start by gambling with fifty dollars. We would then, take the money that we won over the fifty and cash it out. This way, we never lost more than we started with. Sounded simple to me. So, we were all set. We went to the first casino we saw, and started on the craps table. So a few rolls were played and next thing you know, chips and more chips. Chips and drinks accompanied by laughter and trash talking. Great time ! I took the chips to the window, and got the money and came back to the craps table. Had a few more drinks and I was feeling good. Then, all of a sudden I was confronted by a hand and a request. "Can you give me the money?" What was he talking about? He lost all the money? He wanted the winnings? We had a plan. Didn't we? Next thing I know, this man turns into a monster right before my eyes. If the incredible hulk really existed, I would have thought I was in his presence. He actually lost it. Just like that eyes bulging and forehead sweating. Demanding that I give him the money. Needless to say…that was OVER. What A Mess !

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